Dark Tiles or Light Tiles? Which is Better for Your Bathroom?

Dark Tiles or Light Tiles? Which is Better for Your Bathroom?
Dark Tiles or Light Tiles? Which is Better for Your Bathroom?

Dark tiles are generally preferred over light ones because they provide a much darker environment than light ones do. This makes them ideal for people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a condition where people experience depression during the winter months due to lack of sunlight. In order to combat this problem, dark tiles are recommended.

  1. Light Tiles

Light tiles are great for those who don’t have any problems with SAD. However, if you do have SAD, then light tiles may not be the best option for you. Light tiles tend to make the room brighter, which could actually worsen your symptoms.

  1. Both

If you’re unsure whether to go with dark or light tiles, then both options are good. If you want to get rid of SAD, then dark tiles are definitely the way to go. On the other hand, if you don’t have SAD, then you should probably choose light tiles.


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