Why marble is cold ?


Marble is a naturally occurring rock composed mostly of calcium carbonate, which makes it hard and brittle. But what if I told you there was a way to make marble even colder than normal?

In fact, there are several ways to achieve this effect. For example, you could drill holes through the stone and fill them with liquid nitrogen. Or you could place the marble in an extremely low temperature freezer.

However, these methods aren’t practical for everyday use. That’s why we’ve developed a method that uses a special type of ice called “supercooled” water. This technique allows us to chill marble to -196°C (-321°F).

We’ll explain how this works and show you some amazing photos of our marble samples.



  • How does supercooled water work?

Supercooled water is a type of water that is cooled below its freezing point. Supercooled water is not frozen, but rather remains liquid at temperatures well below 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). Supercooled water is often referred to as ice-cold water.

The term “supercooling” was first coined in 1894 by John Tyndall, who discovered that water could be cooled to -15°C (-5°F) without becoming solid. In fact, he observed that if the temperature were lowered even further, the water would remain liquid indefinitely.

In order to understand how supercooled water works, we need to look at what happens when water freezes. When water freezes, it changes state from a liquid to a solid. As the water molecules change their structure, they begin to move faster than the speed of sound. This causes the formation of small crystals called ice nuclei. These ice nuclei then act as seeds for the formation of larger crystals. Once these crystals have formed, they continue to grow until the entire volume of water becomes solid.

When water is supercooled, however, it doesn’t freeze completely. Instead, it forms tiny droplets of water surrounded by a shell of air. These droplets are known as supercooled water droplets. Because the water droplets don’t become completely solid, they are able to maintain their liquid state much longer than normal water droplets.

This means that supercooled water can stay liquid at temperatures well below zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Farenheit), whereas regular water freezes at 32 degrees Farenheit.

Supercooled water can be used for many different purposes. One example is using it to cool down electronics. If you want to keep your computer running smoothly, you can use supercooled water to do just that. Another example is using it to make ice cream. You can put supercooled water in a container and add sugar and vanilla extract. Then, you can let the mixture sit for several hours before adding milk and whipping it up.

You can find supercooled water online or at local hardware stores. Just remember to store it properly! Make sure that you only use supercooled water in closed containers and never leave it out in direct sunlight. Also, make sure that you clean any equipment that comes in contact with supercooled water thoroughly after each use.


  • What happens when you freeze water?


  1. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius)
  2.  When water freezes, it expands by about 1/8th its volume
  3.  As the ice crystals expand, they push apart the molecules of liquid water
  4. As the ice crystals continue to grow, they eventually cause the liquid water to become solid
  5. If you put water in a freezer, it will start to freeze at room temperature
  6. Once the water starts freezing, it will take longer and longer to freeze until it reaches 0 degrees Celsius
  7. At 0 degrees Celsius, the water becomes completely frozen
  8. When water freezes, the pressure inside the container increases
  9. Because the pressure inside the container is greater than the outside pressure, the container will burst
  10. If you have ever seen a glass of water explode in your hand after being dropped into a freezer, then you know what happens when water freezes
  11. You should never leave water sitting in a freezer overnight
  12. If you do, the water will freeze and expand, causing the container to burst
  13. If you want to keep water cold for a long time, you need to use something else besides a freezer
  14. A refrigerator works well


  • How do we get our marble so cold?


  1. Marble is a natural stone that is hard to keep cool. If you want to keep your marble cool, you need to use ice packs. You can put them directly on top of the marble or wrap them in plastic wrap. Make sure not to leave the ice pack on the marble for too long.
  2. Another way to keep your marble cool is to place it in a freezer. Just make sure that you don’t freeze the marble.
  3. You can also try placing the marble in a refrigerator. However, if you have a fridge that doesn’t work well, then you should avoid using it.
  4. You can also use a fan to help keep your marble cool.
  5. You can also use water to keep your marble cool. Fill a bucket with water and place the marble inside.
  • What else can we do with supercooled water?


Supercooling is the process of lowering the temperature of a liquid below its freezing point without actually freezing it. Supercooling occurs naturally in some substances, including ice, salt, and alcohol. When these substances freeze, they release latent heat, which means they give off heat as they change phase from solid to liquid. If you add enough of these substances to water, it will become supercooled.

The first thing you should know about supercooled water is that it’s not dangerous. You cannot drink it, cook with it, or use it to wash your hands. However, it does have many uses.

One of the best things about supercooled water (SCW) is that it doesn’t need to be refrigerated. SCW can be stored at room temperature for long periods of time. In fact, if you want to store SCW for longer than a few days, you can even put it in the freezer!

Another great thing about SCW is that it can be used to make ice cream. Ice cream makers use SCW to cool their mixers, and then they add sugar and milk to create delicious treats.

You can also use SCW to make frozen drinks. Just pour SCW into a blender, add fruit juice, and blend until smooth. Then, just add soda and ice and you’re ready to go!

If you don’t want to make ice cream or frozen drinks, you can still use SCW to make ice cubes. Simply fill a container with SCW, place it in the freezer, and let it sit overnight. The next day, you’ll have perfectly formed ice cubes!

Now that you’ve learned how to make ice cream and ice cubes using SCW, what else can you do? Well, you can use SCW to make soap! All you need is lye and SCW. Mix together equal parts of lye and SCW, and then stir in oils and scents. Let the mixture rest for 24 hours before pouring it into molds. After it hardens, you’ll have beautiful handmade soaps!

Finally, you can use SCWs to make cleaning products. To clean your kitchen sink, simply pour SCW into the drain, wait 30 minutes, and flush out the drain. Your sink will be sparkling clean!



  • Learn more about the science behind marble’s chilly properties


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